You can’t dismiss a notification from destiny, and she’s blowing up Tim’s phone at all hours. “U up?” Oh he’s up, destiny, and he’s 100 percent down to podcast. Muscle emoji!
While dragging Jared and Greig behind him like two sacks of laundry, Tim charges antennae-first into all things The Tick — from neato comics to the swell cartoon to the short-lived Patrick Warburton series and the impressive career of creator Ben Edlund. We fight over the influence of Watchmen, honor an ancient Chinese joke and — believe it or not — beat the dead horse of Suicide Squad.
So gaze at your reflection in the nearest spoon and see if you’re nigh invulnerable enough to endure this sad parody of a pop-culture podcast. Infinity War will be here before you know it.
Hosted by ‘The’ Tim Agne (@timagne).
Featuring ‘The Human Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) and ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@superjew75).
Music by Bastille, Chris Bacon & Doug Katsaros.
And don’t forget to order an Unfunny Nerd Tangent shirt! Many Bothans died to make Mon Milfma the commander-in-chief of soft style!
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