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Podcast Episode 75: Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is finally here, and we made sure we did whatever it takes to bring you the best podcast we could. And if we failed, well, we’ll just go back in time and fix it.

As we brought together a cavalcade of unlikely movie reviewers, spanning the cosmos and reality, itself, we broke down the incredible characters and the mind-bending plot of this latest film, as well as stopping along the way to go down some dark, parallel tangents of our own.

Even Howard the Duck shows up. (You heard me.)

This one is nothing if not epic, so make sure you’ve got your tissues ready for a Happy Ending (no, not that kind), eat a salad and relax in your Thanos-Man-Cave, as we present UNT 75: Avengers: Endgame.

NOTE: No raccoons were harmed in the making of this podcast.

Hosted by: ‘Captain Beers-in-the-Bucket, Bro’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).

Featuring: ‘The Inevitable SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@Superjew75), ‘Professor Hulk’ Tim Agne (@timagne), ‘America’s Ass’ Mateo Morales (@matt_morales), ‘Culinary Genius – Only on Earth’ Craig DeCruize (@WWEChef), and ‘I Want My X-Men’ Mike Dipasquale (@maplesyrupdick).

Secret Villain Cameo: Sprung (@jasprung).

Music by:  Traffic and Helen Forrest.

Don’t let the SNAP stop you from ordering the greatest T-Shirt of all time! Mon Milfma is even better than obtaining the Infinity Stones! So craft your own reality and grab an Unfunny Nerd Tangent shirt to wear to Avengers: Endgame, and show Thanos you’ll do “whatever it takes!”

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