The MCU train just keeps on rolling, this time with another Disney+ series, Hawkeye. So grab your quiver of trick arrows and get ready to dive in…
While we break in the New Year by taking a closer look at nobody’s favorite Avenger, we got a few pleasant surprises. Clint Barton deals with the aftermath of Endgame as well as several other PTSD-inducing moments, all while struggling to mentor a headstrong, young sidekick.
If you like LARPing, this might not be the podcast for you, but rest assured, we discussed the surprises and set-ups this latest series had to offer, including the return of Yelena, new character, Echo, a Salamanca who may-or-may-not be the Swordsman, and of course… everyone’s MVP when it comes to that Netflix universe. (No, Tim, it’s not Vanessa.)
So after you’ve sat through your matinee of Rogers: The Musical, check out UNT 132: Hawkeye.
‘Cause we can do this all day.
Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).
Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75), ‘Vanessa’ Tim Agne (@timagne) & Rok (@Roknowledge) from the MatMania Podcast (@MatManiaPodcast).
Music by: Rogers: The Musical & Jeremy Renner.
She’s better than a one-eyed dog! So make sure you secure your Unfunny Nerd Tangent shirt featuring our very own Mon Milfma!
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